
Paket - Personbil manuell

  • ...
    Startlektion Bil Manuell
    Kom igång på bästa sätt!
    Börja övningsköra med en startlektion, oavsett om du önskar ta hela körutbildningen hos oss, med en privat handledare eller en kombination av båda.
    Efter lektionen skräddarsyr vi en plan efter dina förutsättningar och önskemål.
    Körkortstillstånd är ett krav för denna utbildning.
    • 1 x Startlektion Bil*:
      699,00 kr

    699,00 kr

  • ...
    1 st Körlektion B Manuell
    1 st körlektioner à 70 minuter.
    Vi anpassar lektionerna efter din planering.
    Det är möjligt att boka fler lektioner per dag.
    Giltighetstid 12 månader räknat från inköpsdag.
    • 1 x Körlektion Bil*:
      1 495,00 kr

    1 495,00 kr

  • ...
    4 st Körlektioner Manuell
    4 st körlektioner à 70 minuter.

    Vi anpassar lektionerna efter din planering.
    Det är möjligt att boka fler lektioner per dag.
    Giltighetstid 12 månader räknat från inköpsdag.
    • 4 x Körlektion Bil*:
      5 980,00 kr
      5 540,00 kr

    5 980,00 kr  Spara 7%

    5 540,00 kr

  • ...
    8 st Körlektioner Manuell
    8 st körlektioner à 70 minuter.

    Vi anpassar lektionerna efter din planering.
    Det är möjligt att boka fler lektioner per dag.
    Giltighetstid 12 månader räknat från inköpsdag.
    • 8 x Körlektion Bil*:
      11 960,00 kr
      10 920,00 kr

    11 960,00 kr  Spara 9%

    10 920,00 kr

  • ...
    16 st Körlektioner Manuell
    16 st körlektioner à 70 minuter.

    Vi anpassar lektionerna efter din planering.
    Det är möjligt att boka fler lektioner per dag.
    Giltighetstid 12 månader räknat från inköpsdag.
    • 16 x Körlektion Bil*:
      23 920,00 kr
      21 440,00 kr

    23 920,00 kr  Spara 10%

    21 440,00 kr

  • Kurs

    Riskettan B


    Riskutbildning Teori bil

    Riskettan B

    ( ord.pris 799 kr )

    Riskutbildning Teori bil del 1:
    • Alkohol/droger
    • Trötthet i trafiken
    • Riskbeteenden i trafiken
    Utbildningen pågår ca 3,5 timmar och är en obligatorisk del av vägen till körkortet.
    Avbokning sker kostnadsfritt fram till 7 dagar innan kursstart.
    Medtag giltig legitimation till utbildningstillfället.

    Lediga platser: 15

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Tors, 2025-01-30 16:00 - 19:30

    599,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 16

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Tis, 2025-02-25 16:00 - 19:30

    599,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 16

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Tis, 2025-03-25 16:00 - 19:30

    799,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 16

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Tors, 2025-04-24 16:00 - 19:30

    799,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 16

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Mån, 2025-05-19 16:00 - 19:30

    799,00 kr






    • Obligatorisk för körkortstagare samt handledare
    • Obligatorisk för att få övningsköra privat
    • För mer information besök: https://www.transportstyrelsen.se/sv/vagtrafik/Korkort/handledare/introduktionsutbildning/
    Utbildningen pågår ca 3,5 timmar. Avbokning sker kostnadsfritt fram till 7 dagar innan kursstart.
    Priset är per person. Medtag giltig legitimation till utbildningstillfället.

    Lediga platser: 14

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Tis, 2025-01-14 16:00 - 19:30

    499,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 16

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Tis, 2025-02-11 16:00 - 19:30

    499,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 16

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Tors, 2025-03-13 16:00 - 19:30

    499,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 16

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Mån, 2025-04-07 16:00 - 19:30

    499,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 20

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Tors, 2025-05-08 16:00 - 19:30

    499,00 kr




    Moped teori AM 1 & 2

    Behörighet AM

    Ordinarie pris 5350 kr

    Mopedutbildningen består utav ett teoretiskt & ett praktiska moment.

    8 timmar teori samt 6 timmar körning / per 2 elever.

    Teori i klassrum 16:00-20:15 fördelat på två tillfällen.

    - 3 månader Digital teori inkluderat

    - Körkortstillstånd krävs inför kursstart.

    De praktiska körtillfällen utförs med utgångspunkt från Jarla trafikskola Älvsjö

    OBS! Mopedkörning är väderberoende och kan komma att ställas in med kort varsel om det anses ej körbart och körning kan komma att utföras så fort väder tillåter.

    Lediga platser: 16

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Dag 1 - Mån, 2025-03-03 16:00 - 20:00
    • Dag 2 - Tis, 2025-03-04 16:00 - 20:00

    5 350,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 16

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Dag 1 - Tis, 2025-04-01 16:00 - 20:00
    • Dag 2 - Ons, 2025-04-02 16:00 - 20:00

    5 350,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 16

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Dag 1 - Mån, 2025-05-26 16:00 - 20:00
    • Dag 2 - Tis, 2025-05-27 16:00 - 20:00

    5 350,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 16

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Dag 1 - Tis, 2025-06-10 15:30 - 19:45
    • Dag 2 - Ons, 2025-06-11 15:30 - 19:45

    5 350,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 16

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Dag 1 - Mån, 2025-07-07 16:00 - 20:00
    • Dag 2 - Tis, 2025-07-08 16:00 - 20:00

    5 350,00 kr


    Lärarledd Teoriutbildning


    Lärarledd Teoriutbildning


    Lärarledd Teoriutbildning:
    • Teoretisk utbildning
    • Trafikregler och vägmärken
    • Grupparbeten
    • Diskussioner
    • Värderingsövningar och filmer
    Kursen består av 2 tillfällen a’ 3,5 timmar inklusive raster.
    Bokningen avser 2 kurstillfällen. Avbokning sker kostnadsfritt fram till 7 dagar innan kursstart.
    Medtag giltig legitimation till utbildningstillfället.

    Lediga platser: 7

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Dag 1 - Tis, 2025-02-18 16:00 - 19:30
    • Dag 2 - Ons, 2025-02-19 16:00 - 19:30

    799,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 1

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Dag 1 - Tis, 2025-04-15 16:00 - 19:30
    • Dag 2 - Ons, 2025-04-16 16:00 - 19:30

    799,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 10

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Dag 1 - Tis, 2025-06-24 16:00 - 19:30
    • Dag 2 - Ons, 2025-06-25 16:00 - 19:30

    799,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 10

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Dag 1 - Tis, 2025-08-19 16:00 - 19:30
    • Dag 2 - Ons, 2025-08-20 16:00 - 19:30

    799,00 kr


    Lediga platser: 1

    Jarla Trafikskola Gullmarsplan, Gullmarsvägen 15, 11427 Johanneshov

    • Dag 1 - Tis, 2025-10-14 16:00 - 19:30
    • Dag 2 - Ons, 2025-10-15 16:00 - 19:30

    799,00 kr


    Digitala produkter - Digital Theory - Manuel

  • ...
    Värdekod Körkortsboken Bil English 1 mån

    Körkortsboken - contains everyting you need to be a traffic-safe and environmentally conscious driver.
    Voucher code that gives you access for 1 month in the Körkortsboken app, which includes everything needed to become a safe and environmentally conscious driver.

    We alternate facts and theory with pictures and illustrations so that you can easily see and understand what you read. You can also choose how you want to study - by reading, practice or answering questions. For each chapter there are different exercises, videos and questions where you can freely choose which part you want to start with. As you acquire new knowledge, you can follow your progress under the progress section. (The videos and some images in the secition Practice are only available in Swedish.) In the app, you can also put together your own tests of the parts you want to test yourself on, or let the system randomly generate questions to resemble the Swedish Transport Agency's (Trafikverket) test.

    In the app, there is audio support (ljudstöd) that you can easily activate to have the various parts read aloud. In this way, you can listen to the driver's license theory and answer the questions.

    The voucher code is valid for one year from the date of purchase, for the selected period and training. Please note that the right of withdrawal does not apply when ordering digital voucher codes, as the codes are considered consumed at the time of purchase.



    349,00 kr

  • ...
    Värdekod Körkortsboken Bil English 3 mån

    Körkortsboken - contains everyting you need to be a traffic-safe and environmentally conscious driver.
    Voucher code that gives you access for 3 months in the Körkortsboken app, which includes everything needed to become a safe and environmentally conscious driver.

    We alternate facts and theory with pictures and illustrations so that you can easily see and understand what you read. You can also choose how you want to study - by reading, practice or answering questions. For each chapter there are different exercises, videos and questions where you can freely choose which part you want to start with. As you acquire new knowledge, you can follow your progress under the progress section. (The videos and some images in the secition Practice are only available in Swedish.) In the app, you can also put together your own tests of the parts you want to test yourself on, or let the system randomly generate questions to resemble the Swedish Transport Agency's (Trafikverket) test.

    In the app, there is audio support (ljudstöd) that you can easily activate to have the various parts read aloud. In this way, you can listen to the driver's license theory and answer the questions.

    The voucher code is valid for one year from the date of purchase, for the selected period and training. Please note that the right of withdrawal does not apply when ordering digital voucher codes, as the codes are considered consumed at the time of purchase.



    798,00 kr

  • ...
    Värdekod Körkortsboken Bil English 6 mån

    Körkortsboken - contains everyting you need to be a traffic-safe and environmentally conscious driver.
    Voucher code that gives you access for 6 months in the Körkortsboken app, which includes everything needed to become a safe and environmentally conscious driver.

    We alternate facts and theory with pictures and illustrations so that you can easily see and understand what you read. You can also choose how you want to study - by reading, practice or answering questions. For each chapter there are different exercises, videos and questions where you can freely choose which part you want to start with. As you acquire new knowledge, you can follow your progress under the progress section. (The videos and some images in the secition Practice are only available in Swedish.) In the app, you can also put together your own tests of the parts you want to test yourself on, or let the system randomly generate questions to resemble the Swedish Transport Agency's (Trafikverket) test.

    In the app, there is audio support (ljudstöd) that you can easily activate to have the various parts read aloud. In this way, you can listen to the driver's license theory and answer the questions.

    The voucher code is valid for one year from the date of purchase, for the selected period and training. Please note that the right of withdrawal does not apply when ordering digital voucher codes, as the codes are considered consumed at the time of purchase.



    1 150,00 kr

  • ...
    Värdekod Körkortsboken Bil English 1 år

    Körkortsboken - contains everyting you need to be a traffic-safe and environmentally conscious driver.
    Voucher code that gives you access for 1 year in the Körkortsboken app, which includes everything needed to become a safe and environmentally conscious driver.

    We alternate facts and theory with pictures and illustrations so that you can easily see and understand what you read. You can also choose how you want to study - by reading, practice or answering questions. For each chapter there are different exercises, videos and questions where you can freely choose which part you want to start with. As you acquire new knowledge, you can follow your progress under the progress section. (The videos and some images in the secition Practice are only available in Swedish.) In the app, you can also put together your own tests of the parts you want to test yourself on, or let the system randomly generate questions to resemble the Swedish Transport Agency's (Trafikverket) test.

    In the app, there is audio support (ljudstöd) that you can easily activate to have the various parts read aloud. In this way, you can listen to the driver's license theory and answer the questions.

    The voucher code is valid for one year from the date of purchase, for the selected period and training. Please note that the right of withdrawal does not apply when ordering digital voucher codes, as the codes are considered consumed at the time of purchase.



    1 400,00 kr

  • ...
    Värdekod Körkortsboken Bil English 2 år

    Körkortsboken - contains everyting you need to be a traffic-safe and environmentally conscious driver.
    Voucher code that gives you access for 2 years in the Körkortsboken app, which includes everything needed to become a safe and environmentally conscious driver.

    We alternate facts and theory with pictures and illustrations so that you can easily see and understand what you read. You can also choose how you want to study - by reading, practice or answering questions. For each chapter there are different exercises, videos and questions where you can freely choose which part you want to start with. As you acquire new knowledge, you can follow your progress under the progress section. (The videos and some images in the secition Practice are only available in Swedish.) In the app, you can also put together your own tests of the parts you want to test yourself on, or let the system randomly generate questions to resemble the Swedish Transport Agency's (Trafikverket) test.

    In the app, there is audio support (ljudstöd) that you can easily activate to have the various parts read aloud. In this way, you can listen to the driver's license theory and answer the questions.

    The voucher code is valid for one year from the date of purchase, for the selected period and training. Please note that the right of withdrawal does not apply when ordering digital voucher codes, as the codes are considered consumed at the time of purchase.



    1 600,00 kr
